Tuesday, March 15, 2011

3rd Trimester and Morning Sickness

Its like the 1st trimester all over again. I'm super nauseous. As soon as I eat something, I feel it creeping back up my throat about 30 minutes later. Morning Sickness has been my evil nemesis through this entire pregnancy. I never dreamed I would have to deal with this though the whole pregnancy. I thought I would get lucky like all those other women who report feeling better at 1st trimester. As for me, NO BUENO! I'm seriously contemplating getting a pregnant again. Its just that horrible. It has consumed my life since the end of September 2010. It has ruined my job. Not that it was that great to begin with but I would like to still be working. Every day I would have to leave work early due to excessive vomiting. I finally just gave up goose and let it go. It was too much stress on me to keep up with the attendance policy and me being sick all the time; despite being on 3 different medications to control it. Now to top it off, Im having hot flashes to go along with it. Morning Sickness completely ruined my 1st anniversary dinner on yesterday. I ended up vomiting in the parking lot. That is the best I could do to keep myself vomiting in the restaurant. HOW EMBARRASSING!!! I cannot enjoy food like all other pregnant women. I have to force myself to eat some days because I know what the outcome will be. Don't get me wrong, Some days are better than others. My good days seem to be the days I have no craving for anything. I can't wait to have my life back.

Friday, March 11, 2011

Japan earthquake/ tsunami

Please join me in prayer for the people of Japan. My thoughts and prayers are with them
In this troubling time.

- Posted using BlogPress from my iPhone

Thursday, March 10, 2011

How far along we are....


Hello Blog Land!! First Post!

Hi all!!

We are the Millers and we are from Central Mississippi. We have been almost a year now. Anniversary is on 3/13!!! We are also expecting a little bundle of joy sometime in June 2011. We decided to create this blog to chronicle the changes we are about to experience.